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We get it. Being a student or the head of a non-profit organization is both time-consuming and money-draining. To make your life a bit easier, we'll get you 30% off all our themes and hosting plans with a coupon code. We hope it can make a difference.
Please fill in the blank fields and submit the form. After we review your application, we'll email you a coupon code you can use for purchasing any of our WordPress themes or hosting plans. Keep in mind that you can’t use the code to get a discount for Themes Kingdom Services.
We know there are people out there involved in various non-profit and charity organisations that are trying to do good in the world. We want to help them in their mission by offering 30% discount on all our themes and hosting plans.
Please fill in and sumbit the form. After we review your application we will email you a 30% coupon you can use for purchasing any of our WordPress themes or hosting plans.*